The Bible’s Answers to 100 of Life’s Biggest Questions
by Norman L. Geisler, Jason Jimenez (Baker Books, 2015)
Good questions deserve good answers—especially when the questions are honest.
Too often questions about the Bible intend only to put up a smokescreen in which the critic uses as an excuse to hide from his or her accountability to God.
Christians need to know the Bible’s answers to the skeptic’s questions. In fact, a good answer can blow away the smoke and leave the critic exposed to the reality that his or her sin leaves them accountable to God. But thankfully, the Bible also it shows how God’s love has made provision for that sin through Jesus Christ.
Norm Geisler and Jason Jimenez have written an excellent reference book, The Bible’s Answers to 100 of Life’s Biggest Questions, which answers questions that would leave most of us standing with our mouths in the shape of a question mark. We would expect an apologetics book to offer good answers to the typical questions, like: How can a good God allow evil? And what about the person who’s never heard of Jesus? And it does well at these.
But this new volume answers question that seem slipperier. For example:
- What is wrong with same-sex marriage?
- What happened to the dinosaurs?
- What do Muslims believe?
- How can Jesus be both God and man?
- Can a Christian be demon possessed?
- How can I know God’s will for my life?
- What is the role of government?
As you can see, these questions deal with more than what seems like abstract theology. They show how the Bible has answers to the questions of today. Knowing these answers gives us confidence in our own faith as well as confidence to share the truth in love with others.
For each of the 100 questions asked, this book offers an answer, an application, Bible references, recommended books, Web sites, and videos. (Most of the questions in this book are also addressed in this Web site.)
Here’s an example: