Waiting has a goal. It always includes hope—a purpose—and an end for which we wait. Imagine how pointless waiting would be if it never ended. That’s how it feels sometimes with God, isn’t it?

(Photo: By MrsWig. Own work. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)
One of the reasons I wrote my new book, Waiting on God: What to Do When God Does Nothing, was to provide some oomph to those who are waiting on God—but it seems He’s on vacation.
Finally, tomorrow the book releases! I’ll provide links and information on that tomorrow. But today, I’m asking one thing of you.
Will you pray?
Here are 3 specific prayers:
- That God would use Waiting on God to encourage those who believe in God but who don’t understand why He makes them wait so long.
- That the book would give strength to the person who is about ready to give up.
- That the Lord would bless the book with a far-reaching, best-selling distribution, if He is pleased to do so.
Thank you!
Tomorrow the waiting is over! I’m asking God to encourage you personally through Waiting on God. (He has a goal for your waiting, you know.)
See you tomorrow.
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